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Cluster Committees

FY 2024 Cluster Budget Review - Presentation Slides Available (click here)!

The Conservancy is trying something new this year in an effort to reach more cluster reps (and possibly other homeowners who are interested in learning the annual budget process) with details about the annual Cluster Budget Review, which is an important part of establishing the Conservancy AND Cluster budgets for the next fiscal year.

You are encouraged to select the link above to access the slides, or, please visit the DOCUMENTS section of the Burke Centre Conservancy mobile app to view the FY 2024 Cluster Budget Review slides as prepared by the Conservancy's Finance Administrator, Darryl Payne. Please feel free to reach out to Mr. Payne with any questions you may have or you can email them to [email protected].

NOTE: Current cluster balances are posted quarterly under the Finance tab at the top of the web page.

General Information:

The developers of Burke Centre organized the community based on areas of similar size and style units by the same builder. Each area of similar size and design residences (i.e., small single family houses, townhouses, large single family houses, condominiums, duplexes, apartments, etc.) is called a CLUSTER.  The Clusters are, in turn, organized into Neighborhoods, which are essentially based on the geography of the community.

In what Cluster do I live?

There are five Neighborhoods: the COMMONS (6 Clusters/959 residences); the LANDINGS (11 Clusters/1,399 residents); the OAKS (16 Clusters/1,221 residences); the PONDS (14 Clusters/1,096 residences); and the WOODS (18 Clusters/1,187 residences).

Each Neighborhood has one Trustee and two Trustees are elected At-Large. The Trustees and Cluster Committees are elected by the community every two years. Note: All other Burke Centre committees and task forces are appointed by the Board on an as-needed basis.

In summary, Cluster Committees represent a specific area within their Burke Centre neighborhood. Each Cluster focuses on its own unique needs and issues. Cluster members communicate information to one another, attend Neighborhood Council meetings, hold social gatherings, develop street improvements, organize cleanups, etc. There are 65 clusters within Burke Centre.


The Cluster is the basic building block of the Conservancy and the cornerstone of Burke Centre’s management structure. Both owners and renters in good standing are eligible to serve on cluster committees. 

Cluster committee representatives are elected by fellow cluster residents every two years.  Cluster reps may also be appointed to a cluster committee after the election if the elected cluster committee recommends the appointment to the Board of Trustees, or if there are less than three members elected to the existing cluster committee.


-Volunteers represent their specific area within Burke Centre at Neighborhood Council Meetings.

-Develop annual cluster budgets.

-Communicate with cluster members.

-Advise the Board of Trustees on cluster and Conservancy matters.

-Review ARB Applications.

-Beautification Projects

-Neighborhood Watch/National Night Out



Representing the interests of the Cluster through representation on the Neighborhood Council and in other Conservancy fora, as appropriate.

I. Appointing Cluster representatives to and monitoring Cluster participation in the various Burke Centre committees.

II. Disseminating Cluster and Conservancy information to Cluster residents in a timely manner.

III. Coordinating the election of Cluster Committee members as part of the annual Conservancy-wide election.

IV. Representing the Cluster in the Conservancy’s annual budget process. Reviewing the annual budget information package provided by the Conservancy’s Finance Department, and making appropriate cluster budget recommendations to the Board of Trustees.

V. Ensuring adequate Cluster reserve contributions for the maintenance of private streets, cluster sidewalks and curb gutters, cluster capital structures, and cluster signs.

VI. Maintaining the Cluster’s open space and common areas.

VII. Maintaining the cluster’s discretionary account, as appropriate. Determining annual cluster member contributions, and authorizing appropriate expenditures.

VIII. Providing recommendations to the Conservancy’s Architectural Review Board (ARB) on ARB applications submitted by cluster residents.

IX. Preparing, coordinating, and submitting Cluster ARB applications or proposed Cluster Supplemental Architectural Standards, as required or desired.


Membership. The Cluster Committee consists of a minimum of three cluster members elected every two years as part of the Conservancy-wide election, or subsequently appointed by the Board of Trustees.

Should less than three Cluster Committee members be elected or appointed, they will serve in a caretaker status until such time as the requisite number of committee members are elected or appointed.

Officers. The Cluster Committee shall elect one of its members as the Chairperson and shall elect other officers, as appropriate. The election of officers must be held within 21 days of the establishment of the Cluster Committee. The Chairperson shall notify the Conservancy’s Administration Office of the election of Cluster Committee officers within 31 days of the establishment of the Cluster Committee.

-Chairperson: The Chairperson is responsible for coordinating and supervising Cluster Committee activities and meetings to ensure that committee responsibilities are successfully met. The Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson, if elected and so authorized, shall serve as the cluster’s representative on the Neighborhood Council.

-Vice-Chairperson: A Cluster Committee member may be elected as Vice-Chairperson, to act as Chairperson in his/her absence and/or to represent the Chairperson in Conservancy fora.

-Architectural Representative: The Cluster Architectural Representative (CAR) is the cluster’s point of contact with the Architectural Review Board (ARB) Staff and the ARB. The CAR reviews ARB applications submitted by cluster residents and provides the cluster’s recommendation to the ARB.

-Other Officers: Based on cluster needs, a Cluster Committee may elect other officers, such as Secretary, Treasurer, Social Director, etc.

Caretakers: Except where limited by specific provisions in this document or other Conservancy policies, Caretakers shall have the same responsibilities as a Cluster Chairperson.

Meetings: Regular meetings of the full Cluster Committee shall be held not less than quarterly. Other meetings may be called by the Cluster Chairperson or upon request of any two Cluster Committee members.


Requests for the withdrawal and/or expenditure of cluster funds must approved by the Cluster Committee Chairperson and at least one other Cluster Committee member, and submitted to the Conservancy’s Financial Administrator. Requests will be made in accordance with approved Conservancy financial policies and procedures. For Clusters without a Cluster Committee, requests must be approved by the Cluster Caretaker and the Neighborhood Trustee, or in cases where there is no Cluster Committee and no Caretaker, by the Neighborhood Trustee and an At-Large Trustee.


A major component of the annual Conservancy budget comes from the compilation of Cluster budgets detailing the specific financial requirements of each of the 65 separate Burke Centre Clusters. Each cluster budget is crafted to meet the specific needs of the individual cluster, and is unique to that cluster. Annually, Cluster budget worksheets will be submitted to the Conservancy in accordance with published budget guidance. Cluster Committee members must approve cluster budget worksheets prior to submission to the Conservancy. For Clusters without a Cluster Committee, worksheets must be approved by the Cluster Caretaker and the Neighborhood Trustee, or in cases where there is no Cluster Committee and no Caretaker, by the Neighborhood Trustee and an At-Large Trustee.


Duly elected or appointed Cluster Committee members are the voting members of the Cluster Committee, with each member having one vote. Cluster Committees may establish cluster-specific voting procedures.


 Form for Cluster Committees to take Minutes 
 Cluster Request For Funds Form